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Project news as of 5.11.2021

We are currently briefly presenting news from Venture Club projects
By the way, it is currently possible to join the investment in the second tranche in the ZEBRA car company and the LaFluence project.
Members can find more details in the investment platform or we will add on request.

  • ZEBRA: first instalment paid, contract signed and terms of cooperation defined. Petr Stepanek is on the supervisory board.
  • LaFluence: quarterly board meeting held, report published, company is doing well and progressing according to plan.
  • He3da/MES/CFDF: technical consultations in Letňany, we had a meeting in Horní Suchá – we saw the production, charging plant, new products – 90kW charging station. The big line is coming on line. (we have new materials, on request)
  • Greenbudies Charging: discussions on the way forward are ongoing, monthly report published
  • Thomas Lloyd announced cautious optimism and a return to payouts around 2022
  • RBF – VCBF: published monthly report, fund is doing incredibly well (publication forthcoming)
  • PetExpert – we have reached 17,000 policies written. Congratulations.
  • Behavee: project consolidation continues, Eur support added

We are available for questions.
Petr Šedivý, on behalf of the VC Committee