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Recording of the event How to get funding…

If you weren’t at our event at the Hub in Drtinova Street on January 18th and are interested in how to raise money for the project, we have a tip for you. Actually several:

Check out Milena Yasmin Fridman’s post on StartOnline’s website – she summarized the event and insights from it very nicely in her blog. At the end of the article there is also a link where you can buy a video recording of the whole event for a nominal price.

A small taster of the investor talk is here:

If you want to show your project to Venture Club and get funding or advice, you can send it to us. Likewise, we’d love to see you at one of our events. An overview of the opportunities is in the Calendar and the first entry is free even without a club membership. Of course, it’s more interesting to see you more often – you can apply for membership.

We look forward to seeing you. We love to help bring interesting ideas to the world.