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Tour of MES Horní Suchá production for existing investors

We have arranged a visit at the end of March for Venture Club investors in HE3DA battery production.


Transportation by train and bus so that we would be on site at 11:45. Individual or shared, depending on interest. A shared lunch in the factory canteen will be provided for all participants. Followed by a tour of the line and running production, including downstream operations (one hour), then followed by a consultation in the company’s conference area in the administration building (two hours, presentation, answering questions, small refreshments). Estimated end 3:30-4pm, transport back and arrival in Prague in the evening.

The tour is organized in cooperation with Milan Rýdel, Battery Unite. We expect the participation of the factory representatives, Mr. Prus or Jirka and the production director. Mr. Brychta, Mr. Štěpánek and Mr. Šedivý will be present on behalf of the Venture Club.

Transportation costs will be paid by each person. The club provides the program and refreshments on site, including drinks.


Shared transport by train, bus, there and back, price 700 CZK/person. Payment by bank transfer, after confirmation we will send a payment request.

Reservation until 03/20/2023, inclusive.

Departure Prague main station, 7:38 am – direct train Havířov, arrival 11:33 am, bus from the station to the factory and back

Return Havířov 16:21 departure, direct train Prague, arrival 20:08 hours


Registration below, depending on whether you want to go alone or together.

We look forward to seeing you.

MES, Areál dolu František, Horní Suchá

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