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Venture Club Committee – change of date

We are entering our sixth year of operation and the third term of committee members is running out. It’s the beginning of the club year, let’s go through and consult on what’s coming up. The membership meeting is coming up, preparation is needed. The invitation is for club committee members and Venture Club Invest associates unless otherwise agreed. We are tentatively anticipating a time of 3-6pm. We will meet in the small hall of Park Atrium, 5th floor (back building near 2N, Modřany).

(The originally planned date of 7.9. was cancelled due to a day-long meeting at Behavee s.r.o.)

I am looking forward to the meeting.
Petr Šedivý

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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