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Solubag – manufacturer of material for dissolvable eco-bags is looking for an investor

On 16 November, at the club’s D-Day, Ivar Reiz Caceres presented a unique material for eco-bags – a project that undoubtedly has global ambition and great ecological potential. Solubag produces a material for carry bags and sacks that fully replaces the plastic shopping bags and sacks commonly used in all supermarket chains around the world.

This project, which is already operating in Chile and Brazil, is looking for investors in European countries. The Venture Club is currently discussing possible forms of cooperation.

Solubag – a material that dissolves in water, you can even eat it

Solubag bags and pouches are made from a unique bio-based material. They are completely harmless to health and you can even taste them, as Ivar Reiz Cacerez demonstrated to us. However, we do not recommend eating them, they are probably not a delicacy 🙂

A unique bio material for eco bags and pouches has been discovered by researchers in Chile

The plastic islands of waste floating in the oceans, which already cover half of Europe, are a well-known ecological disaster, with adverse effects on organisms and the entire ecosystem. The waste includes takeaway bags and sacks. To alleviate this global problem, researchers from Chile – Roberto Astete and Cristian Olivares – may have discovered a new formula when they experimented with a bio-degradable detergent. Their eco material contains no traces of petroleum or petroleum derivatives at all, on the contrary it is 100% biodegradable and is made from limestone, which does not pollute the environment.

Simply put in water, stir and pour

The material is very easy to dispose of ecologically. Eco bags and sachets just need to be placed in a container of water and stirred. It will dissolve completely in a few minutes. The only trace left behind is the healthy, white coloured water, which you can pour out without any worries as it does not pollute the environment. It is possible to prepare materials that react to different water temperatures and have different strengths. This makes it suitable not only for bags, but also, for example, for replacing plastic in the manufacture of boxes.

It is no coincidence that this innovation was born in Chile. The Chilean government has launched many initiatives to try to prevent the production of plastic and in August this year, the Republic of Chile became the first country in Latin America to ban the use of plastic bags in all shops in the country.

Eco-bags are soluble in hot and cold water

Ivar Reiz Caceres presented the functionality and solubility of the bags right before our eyes. It must be confirmed that it really works. Since different types of bags can be produced (soluble in cold water and in warm water at temperatures above 60°C, for example), these features can offer users different modifications for specific applications, as well as very easy and environmentally friendly disposal. Simply let them dissolve in water.

Production costs are surprisingly low, so what’s the catch?

Solubag material, and the eco bags and pouches made from it, can be printed with company logos and other advertising, just like current plastic bags. In addition, they can be produced on the existing technology of plastic bag and pouch manufacturers. The unique material has a surprisingly low production cost and can therefore compete with current solutions. However, the big catch at the moment is the production of the material in China. As club member Hanus Brychta noted, the energy footprint of Chinese imports into Europe would have too great an impact on the environment. However, if the material could be produced directly at the point of consumption, everything looks different.

The Venture Club is still looking into the project and considering options for funding it. We are therefore looking for chemists, experts in the process of distributing plastic bags to retail chains, representatives of companies producing plastic bags, pouches and packaging materials, and investors interested in the project.

It is very likely that we will see the project at the next Club D-Day on 11 December, when Ivar Caceres will present the second part of his presentation – the concrete proposals and economics of the project. This will certainly be followed by a very interesting discussion with club members. Club members will find more information about the project and a detailed presentation in the internal section of the website, after logging in, as usual.

Are you interested in eco bags made from Solubag material? Contact us.