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GOODNEWS Thomas LLoyd 3-19

We were intrigued by the report from Thomas LLoyd, where many of us have an investment. We are therefore reproducing it almost in full and hope you will enjoy reading about this interesting project and its implications as much as we have. P.Š.

Goodnews 3/2019, dated 10 April 2019
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Over the past few years, you may have also contributed with your investment to enable ThomasLloyd to gain a reputation as a pioneer in socially responsible investing. The basis for this is and has been the numerous sustainable infrastructure projects that are still often regarded as benchmarks in their respective regions and sectors. Until now, there has been no comprehensive inventory, careful documentation and detailed validation of the various social and environmental impacts at the investment sites of our projects, i.e. an assessment of the actual social and environmental results achieved by our trio of returns. This now exists – the “Impact Report 2018”, which is scientifically sound but also impressively illustrated and clearly written, delivers the impressive results of our projects to date.

The “ThomasLloyd Impact Report 2018“, which we present to you today, is therefore the socially and environmentally responsible counterpart to the audited performance report, which focuses exclusively on the economic returns of our investment solutions. Incidentally, our research specialists are currently undertaking an extensive inventory of our Indian portfolio.
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ThomasLloyd guarantees fair working conditions on its construction sites and projects, subject to the highest international standards. Furthermore, the living conditions of all those who work for us are of particular concern to us. Thus, ThomasLloyd, together with the “Lacson-Bariw Village”, has created modern and affordable housing for approximately 50 families in the immediate vicinity of the North Negros BioPower property, which was inaugurated a few days ago.

Visit our website to learn all in words and pictures about our latest project, in which ThomasLloyd is taking a pioneering role as a socially responsible investor throughout Asia and causing a sensation throughout the Negros region.
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In addition, we strongly encourage you to read our newly published “Philippines Report”. With a wealth of interesting facts from various subject areas, it creates an informative background for the social necessity of our projects. At the same time, it makes the fascination of the Southeast Asian country attainable, thus conveying the exceptional potential of the Philippines to investors.
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ThomasLloyd’s new publications can bring the investment footprint in the Philippines and the diverse aspects of returns within ThomasLloyd’s investment solutions in an authentic way.
We wish you an enjoyable reading experience!