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He3da MES factory inaugurated

..and we were there! Yesterday, 17.9., at 11 o’clock the program started, where there was nothing missing. Everyone met – people from the factory, research, investors, representatives of the municipality, guests, journalists,… We have photos, videos, a recording of the press conference. Before we process it, we’ll offer a short summary:

He3da showed the products, started taking orders and the gigafactory was inaugurated. We have TUV tests, CE mark and US certification. Hundreds of units are produced and one like the other has the same features. At the press conference it was also mentioned what is coming up. There is a battery for the power industry in mass production, then another one developed, suitable for the car (charging in 40 minutes, but also a small one suitable for anywhere we want to charge quickly – in 10 maybe 5 minutes ..) we are entering the market with container products – 500 kW storage, 15 kW powerbox, there are inverters and BMS… The big ones know about us and have no doubt. The project was greeted personally by the President of the Senate Mr. Vystrčil and via video by the Euro Commissioner Ševčovič, the factory got the blessing .. well, simply, it’s in the world!

By the way, the club is still recruiting investment for this project. See the CFDF, want to increase the input? Haven’t you been there yet? It’s a good time. Get back to me. We’re closing the current round on Sunday night, investment will be revalued.

A recording of the press conference is here. 55 minutes, m4a file, iPhone recording, Mr. Kucera, from BU, CFDF, speaks first, others follow, nice summary at the end. The video of my BU colleague, Mr. Kacmar, is on FB here. One of the first articles appeared in Seznam.

We are still preparing a summary on the Invest opportunity and a photo gallery, including videos of the event.
Petr Šedivý

Chairman of the club, CEO, investor and now after 4 years a big supporter of a great idea 😉

First taste, for those who weren’t there. More photos are on FB.