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More on Blockchain

On February 9, 2021, a successful presentation of the Rockaway Blockchain Fund (RBF) investment opportunity took place. Interested parties can find the documents by logging into the club’s website under investment projects. Several club members have already made and investment and others are considering it. The club’s RBF fund will be open for a few more days and we plan to make the investment by the end of the month. Take a look (after logging into the club website) so you won’t be sorry later.

There have also been a few articles in the press. RBF continues to buy companies and currently has 22 companies invested. For more on one of the current acquisitions – the entry into CENTRIFUGE – see the Rockaway and page here. Thus, the planned $100 million that RBF is likely to underwrite in its first year will not sit on the books for long. Especially when the fund’s appreciation is 500% in nine months, according to Tuesday’s HN.

Cryptocurrencies and the infrastructure around them seem to be on the rise in the near future. We believe that the number of entities, projects and general market participants is already so large that it will only grow. Thus, it can be assumed that participation in the “beginning” has significant growth potential. Of course, assuming the right selection. After all, any venture capital entry into companies is not only inherently very profitable, but of course also very risky. Therefore, using a fund and thus diversifying into many projects can be an interesting alternative to participate in the industry and not take more than a healthy risk. The infographic at the beginning of the article shows an example of companies in the use of blockchain technology.

Disclaimer: the above should not be considered an investment recommendation. Venture Club aims to educate and inform its members. Any personal investment each person makes is then up to the consideration of their particular situation and experience.