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Constituent meeting of the VCFI

For the next meeting we have chosen the premises of the Insignia company, Bartolomějská 11 (entrance also from Konvitská 24, it is a pass-through house), where we are considering the location of the headquarters of the association.

The meeting – preparatory consultation – of those interested in the Venture Club will take place on Tuesday 16.8.2016, at 5 pm.

The meeting on Tuesday 23.8.2016 will start at 4.45pm with a tour of the Ponrepa cinema room, at the same address, then at 5pm the agenda is the constitution of the society. (Final meeting – then still on Aug 30, 2016 – 4:45 pm Ponrepo , 5 pm by-laws to review and approve agenda for the rest of 2016.)

The constitutional membership meeting of the association is scheduled for September 1, 2016, at 5 pm.

Interested members please register on the club website if they don’t already have one, and then email everyone at to confirm attendance.

Thank you.
I look forward to the meeting.
Petr Šedivý
for VCFI