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Where we are based

Venture Club meets in the Insignia business centre, or in larger numbers at the same address in the Ponrepo cinema hall. Club meetings are held regularly, usually every 14 days.

Venture Club
Konviktská 291/24,
110 00 Praha 1

Jana Lukšíčková
Company management assistant
+420 776 704 253

The entrance to the courtyard is possible from both Bartolomějská and Konviktská streets.

Venture Club z.s., a club of investors and those interested in investments, was founded in September 2016.

It is registered in the Federal Register under the ID No. 05461201, file mark L66843 at the Municipal Court in Prague.

It has an account with FIO bank: 2901082903 / 2010.

Venture Club Invest s.r.o., osoba rizikového kapitálu, a service organization of the Club established for the purpose of managing funds and alternative non-public investment funds, was established in October 2017 in accordance with Section 15, ZISIF. It was registered with the CBN in November 2017.

It is registered in the Commercial Register under ID No. 06503829, File No. C283286, Section C, maintained at the Municipal Court in Prague.

Its investment account is with FIO bank: 2401318748 / 2010.

Its operating account with KB: 115-5365850297 / 0100.