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Crane Capital 8.4% – underwritten

We have mentioned the issuance of a corporate bond financing a pellet mill as an interesting option for investors looking to enter a specific project starting from relatively small amounts. The parameters were quite interesting – for two years, 8.4% p.a. with a monthly payment, a bond with a nominal value of CZK 100 thousand. …

Today we can write: There are opportunities that come and go, like this one. If you hesitated, you hesitated. The CZK 25m issue was sold – or rather subscribed – in less than two months. It was sold in mid-January…

If you’re interested in this sort of thing in general, get in touch. How about investing in a development project, building a house north of Prague, deposit from 50k CZK and two years, with a yield of 14-17%? Contact here.