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Peakforce u Červeného Jelena

On August 13, we watched the first DenD about the holidays – and at the same time in an interesting space: the Červený Jelen restaurant in Hybernská Street. The premises of the original bank of the First Republic. Follow your project – Peakforce – call the central operator for AI support.

Unknown Prague – 1st summer event

The walk with Praha Neznámá on 7/16/2024 was a success. 30 interested people walked from OD Kotva to the City Library. The enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide was interested.. whether he was talking about the Hotel Josef by Eva Jiřičná, or the dome of the historic MPO building by Josef Fanta – the monument in Hišima, […]


SANEZOO at MSV Brno won a gold medal for innovation: Unity, surface inspection. The second company from the club’s portfolio exhibited at the Moravsko Silesian Region stand – ZEBRA GROUP showed the electric ELZEBRA. We were happy to do so.


Stavario and digitization on construction sites saves hours a day. Instead of many applications, just one can have multiple modules: logbook, attendance, tools, invoices…. In addition, the success is facilitated by legislation, the online construction diary is becoming mandatory by law. Newly in Slovakia, for example, for all buildings. The company has already experienced 23 thousand […]

Visit to the Štefánik observatory in Petřín

We were at an amazing event – at the Štefánik observatory on Petřín in Prague and had the opportunity to observe the sky using telescopes in the dome of the observatory and watch the half-hour programs TIME ZERO and 5 PLANET. RNDr. Tomáš Prosecký, head of the observatory, provided us with valuable information and recommendations […]

CCOE tour of operations in Hostivař

We visited Mr. Šobr in CCOE, to see the company’s premises, products and to agree on the terms of investment. We agreed. They have a well-equipped design operation, up to date with one museum exhibit, a boring machine remembering the production of Messerschmitt .-) But they have robots to make robots here too, don’t worry.

Trends in modern living – Studio 2MAD

The discussion in the creative studio EGOE had a pleasant not only professional but also social part. Presentations can be found in the Calendar at the event, photos here and video on YUTUBE club 🙂

Visit to the ZEBRA car factory

Návštěva výrobního závodu ZEBRA GROUP v Pardubicích doplnila prověřování firmy před podpisem kontraktu o investici. O 14 dnů později jsme podepsali smlouvu o nákupu podílu pro Venture Club. Podívejte se s námi do závodu, který máme nově v portfoliu a do kterého můžete investovat s námi.

Terrace Mánes

The summer holiday party took place this year in the beautiful surroundings of the Mánes restaurant. DJ Zdeňa played for good mood. We are celebrating 5 years of club activity. My colleague Tomas had twins, he got a small present. and the club president got married… Social events are necessary!

D-Day ZEBRA GROUP Automobile

ZEBRA GROUP produces not only diesel but also electric versions of municipal vehicles. We have been following it for two years. And we have currently started an investment to support foreign expansion and increase the production of new elZEBERs, perhaps with HE3DA batteries. You can join.