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He3da starts serial production

This year is set to be a breakthrough year for He3da battery production after a long time. After all, if over 100,000 1.3 kW batteries are actually produced – somewhere between 100-120 MW of batteries in total – that could be enough for more early projects, commercial orders and proof of concept that the batteries work. Simply demonstrated is valid. Representatives from the E15 newspaper were also on the factory tour, you can read the article here.

The first line is currently ramping up with an annual capacity of 200 MW. Within a year another could be built, with 350 MW capacity, then a third. But already the first line means sales this year towards 100 million Euros. So let’s keep our fingers crossed. Battery manufacturing is definitely a promising sector. Venture Club has invested in battery production and two follow-on projects so far. By the way, we are planning a trip to the factory for existing investors in the spring. Tours for larger new investors are ongoing. If you are interested, please let us know. Thank you.