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Successful presentation by Thomas Lloyd

A very interesting event took place today – the presentation of the infrastructure project of the multinational group Thomas Lloyd. We learned about the trends and investment opportunities in Southeast Asia, and now we understand the situation more. We have seen how the business is constructed, managed and secured. We explained why it can run for multiple years and deliver interesting valuations, why it offers very good Czech publicly offered and CNB approved bonds.

We thank Mr. Kovář for the interesting information and look forward to the next meeting of the club. And if you couldn’t make it, check out at least a few photos from the event, held again at the Konvikt Palace in Prague 1.
For club members, an excerpt from the presentation is available in the portal after logging in to the members section. And we invite you all to the next event: 25.11. and 29.11.2016. Details can be found in the Calendar of Events.

I look forward to seeing you next time
Petr Šedivý