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Taxes and more taxes… how to deal with them?

For more information on the taxation of “club investments”, please log into the club website. This year we have published two articles – one public, general – and one with specific answers for Venture Club members to common questions. Take a look at both articles, we recommend them.

One note on income tax filing deadlines: you probably know this, but this year the deadlines are pushed back from usual. Even leaving aside the ability to take advantage of the penalty waiver when filing by June 30, as last year, what has changed this year is that those who file electronically have the normal deadline of April 30. Those who file “paper” have the old deadline of March 31, 2021.

So, everybody still has time… because electronically you can do it without a data box even until 30.4. without using “covid measures”. I’m sure your tax advisor will know more.