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Charging Equity certificates

For those interested in handing over the share certificate issued to the investors in the Greenbudies Charging project, the partners of Venture Club Charging s.r.o., we have announced a date of 10 February at Borovec Legal. You can arrive anytime between 3pm – 6pm by registering below. You need to come in person, the letter is on bearer and cannot be handed to a representative, even with a power of attorney. You can have the signature on the consent to be listed on the register of members officially verified free of charge at the venue. The address is Karlovo náměstí 288/17, Building A, 3rd floor, Prague 2.

After registering below, we will email you a sample of the documents you will be sent to sign: a handover protocol (confirmation and instruction on the handling of KL), a sample of the consent to be entered in the Commercial Register and a sample of the agreement on the custody of the share certificate with Venture Club Invest. The first is mandatory, the second is only for those interested in incorporation and the third is for those who do not want to store the Trust Deed at their home.

It will also be possible to pick up the certificate of incorporation at the breakfast on February 11 and the event on March 1, 2022. Until March 4, inclusive, we are collecting consents to list the shareholders in the Commercial Register and then have the CEO enter them in the Commercial Register The signature on the consent must be officially certified – at Czech Point or by a notary or lawyer with the authority to certify the signature. Of course, you can arrange the consent anywhere (not only at the 10.2. event) and then send it to us by post or, after conversion into electronic form at Czech Point, by mail or email. It is also possible to arrange for the documents to be sent without attending the 10.2. event – we will then arrange the actual delivery individually.

We are available for questions.

Borovec Legal, Karlovo nám. 288, Praha 2

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