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Continued 2024: Advanced AI capabilities

Last year, the emergence of ChatGPT, conversational artificial intelligence, including the race between Google and Microsoft to get AI into search, could not be overlooked. Equally unmissable are the various AIs for generating and editing images and photos. We take a look at what’s new a year on and what advanced uses AI offers today.

The year 2023 was undoubtedly the year when we found out what AI will change in many ways. It is now more clear what human activities it will replace, change and, importantly, take to the next level.

Come learn about what AI can do today, what the current capabilities are, and what is being worked on. And where it can potentially help you too.

Speakers, like last year, already familiar to us:

Daniel Dočekal, consultant, technology journalist, book author, actively uses AI for his own work and addresses this with clients as well. Strategy, marketing, security and privacy, technology, hardware, software, social networks, media and journalism, public relations are the fields in which he is active. And they also address how to use AI effectively in those areas.

Register for the event below, as usual – attend in person or online. Admission is included for full members (full membership), for members with basic membership for a fee. The event is also open to non-members, upon registration and payment of the admission fee.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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