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D-Day 43 BP, ZEBRA, LF,…recap of projects

Finally, we dedicate D-Day 43 to the recapitulation of the projects. We postpone the planned second round of bezpersoná and the investment for the time being. In the meantime, we have not only familiarized ourselves with the economics of the project, but also looked with a lawyer at the aspects of entry, change of statutes…and other standard operations, allowing the project to be responsibly assessed. The conclusion is: postpone and see, we are watching the evolution of the turnover.

We will look after all the projects invested. Both those that are running (Behavee, PetExpert, MES, VCBF, TLL …) and those that we are currently recruiting (ZEBRA, LAFLUENCE, CFDF, DYNAM).

Current materials and downloads can be found in the investment platform, after logging in.


17:00 – 17:50 recap of existing projects, news and information, introduction of new members

18:00 – 20:30 Presentation, with online broadcast, recap of projects

D-Day is available to VENTURE CLUB members and non-members, ON-LINE and IN PERSON, however, only with prior registration below. Refreshments provided. COVID: we assume you are test negative, post-vaccination or covid19 and healthy if attending in person.

We look forward to seeing you there.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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