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Day D 42 ZEBRA cars, for the third time

On 21.9. we will take a third look at a project we have known about for the second year – the company ZEBRA GROUP produces very nice cars, designed for municipal services, with dozens of different bodies. The project looks very good.

The first time we saw them at HE3DA day in Letňany, the second time before the holidays this year. The cars exist in both diesel (since January CATEPILAR) , electric and 4×4 versions with air chassis. All category B, up to 3.5 tons, but they can be enlarged. And because the project was liked (see the record of the last event at the project among Investments), we have already prepared the project with a specific framework of investment.

And why the name ELZEBRA? Because it is a low-emission variant of the ZEBRA municipal multipurpose vehicle, which can also be referred to as Emission low and therefore ELZEBRA, which will allow the operation of all the usual superstructures. 😉

Although participants will not see ELZEBRA again at the event, you can see photos from the previous event – in the Gallery.

More information on the project can be found in the Investments section, including downloadable materials – presentation, overview of tranche terms and expected yield (we are planning a dividend and exit)). There is also a link to the last ZEBRA D-Day – recording. For those who were not at the first general day – check it out.

It is still the case that elZEBRA can use HE3DA batteries and so our wiring makes double sense. We will provide funds for expansion, we can help with advice and we can provide He3da batteries for those interested.


17:00 – 17:50 Committee, introduction of D-Day participants.

18:00 – 20:00 Presentation, with online broadcast, on the 5th floor, in the Great Hall, ZEBRA and VENTURE CLUB

This time, D-Day is available to VENTURE CLUB members and non-members, ON-LINE and IN PERSON, however, only with prior registration below. Refreshments provided. COVID: we assume you are test negative, post-vaccination or covid19 and healthy if attending in person.

We look forward to seeing you there.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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