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Economy and inflation in Europe 2021, IRQ

We have an interesting guest booked for Tuesday evening at Park Atrium – Zdeněk Tůma, former Governor of the CNB, currently focusing on IRQ funds (read the Forbes article here). We will look at the development of the economy and inflation in Europe covid, in 2021. The previous activities of the guest give the premise of an interesting world view. The second part of the evening will offer the opportunity to participate and hedge – against the usual Venture Club projects – with a safe fund of qualified investors –

IRQ is a real estate fund dedicated to developing and operating rental housing. It’s a nice change of focus after the feverish buying of office and retail centers. If we like it, we may open a club fund that would allow for a five-year investment, with an average net return to the investor of 8% p.a.

Whether in terms of an interesting talk and/or an introduction to conservative investing, come along. It’s going to be an information-packed evening with room for questions.

Register below to attend in person or online. To attend in person: we assume you have been vaccinated, or have had a covid 19 or negative test, and most importantly, feel healthy. We would love to meet you. Refreshments provided – advance registration required.

Looking forward to

Petr Šedivý

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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