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ICA and VENTURE CLUB, for the fifth time

ICA and VENTURE CLUB, for the fifth time, but for the first time online. The traditional joint networking meeting will be held online this year. Registration as usual via the ICA platform Entry is – traditionally – for 200 CZK, paid this time by bank transfer in advance. The contribution is for the operation of the ICA, in the form of a donation – proof on request. Half of the proceeds of the event will go to the Venture Club.

The meeting will once again bring interesting business stories and, traditionally, something extra. You know, the Venture Club. You can recall the previous ICA – Venture Club meeting here, on YOUTUBE.

To participate, please register on this page and send a payment of 200Kč to the account number: 670100-2212652376 / 6210, in the message to the recipient write your NAME and ACCEPTANCE, MEETING 27.11.2020. After the payment is made, Tomas Havrda will send a link to connect online – to the email address you provide during registration. Proof of payment is on request.

On Friday 27.11.2020 before 14:00 you will connect to the sent link to the online ICA meeting. Please join on time! Later connections may be with complications / we start promptly. If you have problems logging into the online meeting, you can contact Tomas Havrda at 602 275 207.

For more information about the ICA and membership, please visit the Genusio community grader. In addition to the MEDIUM membership, which corresponds to attending the monthly meeting on the last Friday of each month and access to the Facebook group, you can also purchase a PREMIUM membership – containing an extra 60 minutes of consultation with Tomáš.

They look forward to the meeting and cordially invite you to

Petr Šedivý and Tomáš Havrda for

Venture Club and ICA