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Let’s have a chat before the summer

We have planned an informal meeting for June 28th – the place is still to be specified, but we are considering the brewery Národní on Národní 8, next to “Voršilek”. It’s the end of June, the sixth year of the club’s activity since its founding in September 2016, and the seventh will start after the holidays. There have been plenty of activities, new projects are also on the hill. The topic of how to proceed from the autumn is also on the table – we are thinking more to encourage full membership and help get everyone more keen to invest. There will be a new website and more. We’d be happy to meet even just for a chat, informally.

Put a date in your calendar and come along. We look forward to seeing you.

Petr Šedivý for the Club Committee

Pivovar Národní, Národní 8, Praha 1

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