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Longevity – The secret to a long and healthy life

Venture Club supports education and so we decided to invite Karel Šimek, who is dedicated to the topic of longevity: healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise and actually everything related to the topic of longevity. You may know him from the Adventurer project – he is one of the founders and CEO of the platform for adventurers, travel and hiking.

A long and quality life is something most people would like to have. Karel Šimek is an athlete and has been working on the topic systematically. We really liked the motto he has on his Linkedin profile: the best way to predict the future is to create it. Classical Western medicine works wonders, but nature and man himself can do even more. That is, if you know how to do it, or take advice. You can look forward to an inspiring evening.

The evening is for everyone who wants not only to prolong their life, but also to improve its quality, to live healthily and with joy. Discover how crucial it is to connect your daily activities and how to effectively incorporate healthy living habits and longevity principles into your daily life.

  • What it means to live long and what all influences our longevity
  • Biological principles.
  • The Circle of Life: How to gradually and effectively adopt a lifestyle of longevity. Specific tips and examples ranging from sleep, diet and stress to exercise and various biohacks

What Karel Šimek wrote about himself: “I have been interested in healthy living and the topic of longevity for over 7 years, during which time I have tried many things that I regularly apply. I’ve tried several fasts – from 30h to 100h, hardy climbs, intense workouts and big sports challenges for my body and mind (10 peaks in 10 days and more). I’ve tried a number of “experiments” on myself, watching what I eat, keeping an eye on my sleep quality, and trying to measure everything to track long-term trends.”


Register for the event below. Admission is included for members this time, with a modest fee for other guests. The event is also open to non-members, by signing up and paying the entrance fee in advance, by card, bank transfer, or on the door with cash or QR code.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Petr Šedivý

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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