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Greenbuddies Charging has received a 16 million investment from Venture Club. CZK

Greenbuddies Charging, as a supplier and engineering firm for the general supply of charging stations, carports and electricity storage, has received a final investment of CZK 16 million from Venture Club. It will use it for faster expansion and to complete its network of partners mainly in the markets of Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, where it is already active. The first deliveries were also made in Prague, not only in Austria. We plan to supply also batteries and He3da storage.

We are providing the investment in two tranches, acquiring 2x 10% stake. The Venture Club brings together those interested in acquiring a stake in this company into a newly purpose-built company, Abc Space Charging. This opens up the opportunity for investors to participate in a proven model with the prospect of an attractive dividend from the third year of operation. The return on investment is projected to take 4 years. Shares are sold to club members starting from 20 thousand CZK and all details can be found in the Venture club portal, section Investments, after logging into the portal.

The family of Venture club investments Byty Kličanka, PetExpert, He3da, Behavee, LaFluence … is growing by another important acquisition.

Congratulations and we are happy to have reached an agreement.