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Last date for subscription to CTI2 and CTI4 bonds

We are happy to take over the ThomasLloyd announcement, with which we have good experience at the Venture Club. Interest rates can be expected to fall on the next issue so if you are thinking of a secure appreciation, we recommend you take advantage of this opportunity. CTI4 is 7% p.a. with a four-year deposit and quarterly coupon and is a public offering approved by the CBN.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our product offering for private clients in the Czech Republic has evolved in many ways. As of 30 June 2017, it was possible to increase the assets under management to more than CZK 2.5 billion.

This favourable result is not only due to the very attractive terms and conditions of ThomasLloyd’s investment solutions, but also to the market acceptance of ThomasLloyd as a distinctly strong and well-known brand and the client satisfaction that ThomasLloyd has achieved in a relatively short period of time, thus securing a good position also on the Czech capital investment market.

The CTI 2 and CTI 4 offerings are now approaching the target equation, both in terms of investment volumes and timing. Due to the approaching expiration of the one-year sales authorization granted by the Czech National Bank on 20 December 2017, you have only a short time left to secure above-average terms for these bonds.

Of course, we will continue this successful product line smoothly in the future and come up with new offers. And it will continue to be our goal to offer you and your customers investment solutions with attractive terms. However, the next offering will have to take into account the stagnant or declining trend in returns on fixed-income securities and interest rates that continue to be at very low levels.

Further information and references from club members, by logging in here or on request. We also recommend ThomasLloyd’s November 22, 2017 Information Evening event.

Petr Šedivý