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Socially responsible investing

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Blackrock and Goldman Sachs are betting massively on infrastructure and Impact Investing – socially responsible investing.

ThomasLloyd’s investments in infrastructure have for years followed the Impact Investing – socially responsible investing philosophy, achieving the triple bottom line of economic, environmental and social returns. Recent developments in global investment houses and major banks underline the attractiveness of this market segment and demonstrate how this sustainable investment strategy is valued in the market for its future potential.
As reported by Handelsblatt, Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager, will now focus even more intensely on infrastructure-related deals, with the company planning to take over two private equity funds from First Reserve Corp. that have invested $3.7 billion in infrastructure projects, according to a “Wall Street Journal” report.

Impact investing – socially responsible investing – from fringe issue to mainstream

As The Economist reports, “Impact Investing – Socially Responsible Investing” as an investment platform is increasingly attractive to investors and has long since left its position as a fringe issue. This is shown by the strategic decisions made by major banks and global financial companies in the last two years. Blackrock is also active in this segment and has established a new division “Impact” in connection with this.

This area is also attracting other global players: investment bank Goldman Sachs recently acquired a company focused on Impact Investing – socially responsible investing, and US Private Equity firms Bain Capital and TPG have opened Impact Funds. The main reason for these activities is increased investor demand. In addition, the sector has been boosted by increased interest in policy and the development of industry standards. Impact Investing – Socially Responsible Investing is also strongly supported by international organisations such as the United Nations and the Global Task-Force under the auspices of the G8 nations.