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D Day 34 Greenbuddies Charging

We’re opening another club project – that is, if the evening goes well. And believe me, you have a lot to look forward to. As usual, admission is included in the price of membership for full members; basic members have a charge. A stream of the evening is available to members free of charge. We’ll give a hint to the theme by the picture… and has gone by email before: we are considering joining Greenbuddies Charging, where one of the partners is a long time club member, Eng. Ales Spacil. As usual, you can find the documents in the Investment Platform (full members after logging into the club website today, others a week before the event).

The offer is to invest in a company representing suppliers of car charging technology, storage and similar products, operating in Western Europe. Greenbuddies Charging builds on the owners’ successful project – Greenbuddies, which in its second year of operation achieved a turnover of about 150 million CZK and has already built 300 PV plants, using a network of partners – companies and individuals. The idea is to repeat the same now after a year of studying the market in a follow-up range, perhaps using our booking contracts He3da, MES. One of the owners of Greenbuddies Charging is Ing. Aleš Spáčil, a member of the club, whom we have known for longer. By the way, he linked us and PetExpert at his time. Anyway, we are expecting an interesting evening.

We will meet already at 5 pm, the first hour is intended for recapitulation of news and getting acquainted. The actual presentation starts at 6 pm and usually lasts, even with discussion, longer than the scheduled 8 pm.

Sign up below, as usual.

We look forward to the meeting and hope this will be another club-invested project!

Petr Šedivý


Online streaming is also available – only for Venture Club members and only after signing up in advance.

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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