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D-Day 36 Czech Worms

Did you know that livestock production is one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases?

The total production of these gases is 7.1 gigatons of CO2 equivalent per year, which is 14.5% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The most produced gas in this sector is methane, which accounts for 44% of livestock production GHG emissions.

When comparing the edible insects and livestock species studied, it was found that edible insects produce on the order of 100-1000 times less carbon dioxide than livestock. This difference, according to Quinlan and Gibbs (2006), is due to the physiology of insect respiration, primarily the incoherent release of carbon dioxide from the body, which is thought to reduce the insect’s water output.

One interesting edible species is the mealybug… a possible protein substitute, useful both for pet stores and in the diet of us humans.

We look at an insect farm project aimed at producing just the mealybug – and an interesting investment.

Don’t believe it? Crickets are a good example… and Mr Janeček’s investment, Sens, where they now supply tens of millions of CZK a month worth of their products and are thinking of expanding into Germany. Our prospective investor is thinking of supplying breeders, through a pet shop, to start with.

We will start the evening at 5 pm with a recap of the projects, introducing ourselves to each other.

From 6 pm onwards we will have a presentation of the Czech Worms project by Mr. Petr Havelka, from Všetaty, and his worm farm, which he has been building for over a year.

As usual, Venture Club members will find the documents in the Investments – Projects – Czech Worms section.

Please use the registration below to sign up – you will then receive a link to sign up before the evening. There will be space for questions during the evening, either via chat or in person. All you need is a PC with an internet connection, preferably with a camera and microphone. Re-registration for the event is only available to Venture Club members. Don’t have a membership and have already been to our event? Make your club registration and you can sign up. The first visit is possible even without a membership.

Thank you and we look forward to an interesting evening.

Petr Šedivý

Venture Club z.s.

Microsoft Teams Meeting, online, Praha 1

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