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First impression with elegance, Denis Tureček as a guest of the club

Venture Club supports education, so we decided to invite Denis Turecek, a speaker, mentor and communication coach. There could be more topics, for example, he organizes courses in the areas of influence strategy, networking and building a professional network or first impression mastery. We will discuss the areas of management or business skills and other human-skills that go with it. Among others, etiquette, rhetoric, influencing, etc.

The above will surely be not only for effect but also effective as training will be included. We’ll be sure to mention “introductions and first impressions”, which is something that almost everyone who comes into contact with people should focus on. We all are. You may also know Denis Turecek from his work with Katherine Braithwaite, of the training company BW Talks.

Denis Turecek specialises in rhetoric, etiquette and general communication. From first to last impression. It takes more than money to succeed in life. Today it’s contacts, information – social capital – knowing how to communicate. It’s going to be an interesting evening.

Registration for the event below – but only in person this time, it will be more and practical and it doesn’t stream much. Entry is included in the membership price this time for members, for other guests there is a modest entrance fee. The event is also open to non-members, by signing up and paying the entry fee in advance, by card, bank transfer, or on the spot with cash or QR code.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Petr Šedivý

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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