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Inauguration of the MES HE3DA battery factory

After long preparations and the start-up of production, we have the honour to participate in the launch of the production of He3da batteries at MES in Horní Suchá. Direct investors with a Battery Unite contract have already received invitations and can participate with their partners. We are expecting up to 1000 guests, even from abroad…and a reasonable amount of press attention. Serial production is underway and final products will be unveiled. For example, home storage will already be available to order – with existing investors having priority in supply.

Details of the program will be emailed to attendees in advance, including coordination of transportation to the site. The official report is here.

But as a rough guide: start time is scheduled for 11am, end time for 2pm. Registration for participants who want to charge their electric car arrive by 9:30am, for others by 10:30am. Transportation individual, from the train or taxi recommended. About 500-600 people are expected at the event, there will be – unless the situation changes – no special zones, VIP sections etc. There is space for about 90 people on the top floor of the administration building, the programme will be transmitted here electronically.

Well, kudos, this is what we’ve been waiting for. The project is moving to the next phase 🙂

As a major investor, Venture Club is happy to add this investment to its list of references. We hope everyone will be happy.

By the way, if you are a retail investor, we are planning a trip to MES and Horní Suchá on 10.10.2020. And if you are not an investor yet, we are still collecting funds in Euros through CFDF, we will be happy to facilitate your involvement. Who comes first, benefits, thanks to the planned increase in the value of the project, more.

We are happy to be there.

Petr Šedivý, MES investor, chairman of the club committee and managing director of Venture club Invest

MES, Areál dolu František, Horní Suchá

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