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Trust funds

The evening will be hosted by JUDr. Štěpán Holub, partner at Holubová Law Office, and will focus on the issue of trusts.

Štěpán focuses mainly on start-ups and IT companies, the travel industry and especially legal advice for international families and trustees of their assets. We got along very well when consulting on legal and tax issues in the sale of the club investment PetExpert. And because protecting family assets of creditworthy clients is an interesting topic where Stepan has a lot of experience, we agreed to give a lecture for club members. You can read about trust funds in advance, for example, here.

Come and listen to interesting information, ask questions, discuss and share your experiences. Why join Venture Club Investors?

Trusts and endowments: what does it mean and what is the difference between trusts and endowments
How can you protect your assets for yourself and for future generations?
When does it pay to think about the asset structure at home and when abroad?

Not only these questions will be answered by Stěpán Holub, a partner at Holubová advokáti, on 18 April at 18:00. He is one of the few Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (“STEP”) members from the Czech Republic who are Trust & Estate Practitioner’s (“TEP”) qualified.

The evening is free for full members of the club (full membership), with entry for basic members and other guests being £1,000, subject to prior registration below. This is actually a very affordable consultation on an interesting topic and it doesn’t always have to be about protecting hundreds of millions of kroner, as you will see.

The evening is free for full club members (full membership), for basic club members and other guests the entrance fee is 1000 CZK. after prior registration below. After all we need to order the right amount of refreshments and choose the room layout. The evening will be streamed – please register below to send the link.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Radim Horák, Petr Šedivý

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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