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Venture Club Membership Meeting and Project Presentation

Venture Club Membership Meeting and PrezAs every year, there will be a membership meeting. You can look forward to a report on the club’s activities for the past 7 years and see what new things are in store. Admission is for club members, after signing in. Attendance is possible in person or online.

In Prague on 19.8.2022

ATTENTION: outside the first part – the official content of the membership meeting, we will go through the new mobile app and the current open project in the second part. I encourage you to stop by in person, even though the presentation will be streamed.

Venue. Registration, attendance: 5:45pm, opening 6pm. If a quorum is not present, an alternate membership meeting will be held 6:15pm with any number of attendees.


  1. Committee will present the 2022 HV to the membership – the membership meeting notes the status, does not approve it
  2. Presentation of the new Venture Club mobile app
  3. Reminder of existing investments that are still being recruited
  4. We will hand over the share certificates to investors if they have not yet taken them over

The official invitation to the membership meeting has only the first agenda item.

We look forward to seeing you there.

MUDr. Petr Šedivý, Chairman of the Venture Club z.s.entation of projects

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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