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Venture Club Membership Meeting and Project Presentation

As every year, there will be a membership meeting. You can look forward to a report on the club’s activities for the past 4 years and see what new things are in store for us. Admission for club members, after signing in.

In Prague on 24.8.2020

ATTENTION: beyond the first part – the official content of the membership meeting, we will go through the current open projects and the possibilities and ways to get involved in them in the second part. I encourage you to drop by in person, even though the presentation will be streamed.

Venue. Registration, attendance: 5:45pm, 6pm start. If the meeting is not quorate, an alternate membership meeting will be held 6:15pm with any number of attendees.


  1. Approval of 2019 HV, profit of approx. 60k to be carried forward. It is proposed to reduce the number of committee members to 7, which is just a confirmation of the long term status and the status already approved by the club committee. We will go through the 20/21 events that are coming up. And outside the meeting agenda, we will review the status of preparing the use of tribal leaves – to fund other club projects. We’ll look at the status of existing projects. There will be room for questions.
  2. We have 4 projects that we will open up: the LAFluence, OCEANS, GRAEENBUDDIES CHARGING and the 10RD near Brno, development. We will give an update on them and the underwriting process. Likewise, we will tell about the opening of He3da factory on 17.9.2020.

The official invitation is here.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

MUDr. Petr Šedivý, Chairman of the Venture Club z.s.

Note: full members vote, others do not, in accordance with the statutes.

Park Atrium u spol. 2N, Pod Vinicí 2028/20, Praha 12

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