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Venture Club Invest invests second project

We are pleased to announce that we are presenting a unique technology project, suitable for direct entry of qualified investors, as well as relatively small investment through Venture Club Invest (operating on the basis of registration with the CNB, according to par. 15, ZISIF, as an alternative non-public fund suitable for larger and small investors, for members of the Venture Club), on 12.12.2017 in the framework of Den D 13.

So at this point, the second investment window has opened. How long will it be open? We’ll see who comes first…

The first opportunity – PetCare – the project of veterinary care insurance for dogs and cats is bought by Venture Club Invest and financed already with a third of the announced amount, we have already deposited 6 million CZK. After including pledges, the amount of funds raised is close to the second third of the planned CZK 18 million. Entry is possible from the really available amounts and members can find more details in the members section – Projects. We expect the PetCare project to be full by Christmas. The product should be on the market in February 2018.

The second investment window is a larger volume opportunity, an electricity storage project, yet it is available to qualified investors, club members, and relatively smaller deposits. The closing date for the first tranche is December 29, 2017, valid for existing condition, then once a month until further notice. Again, details are in the member section – Projects – after logging into the club’s member portal site.

If you want to make yourself happy and set yourself up for a really rich next Christmas, get in touch. Have a nice day
Petr Šedivý

This is an investment where there is no guaranteed return and potentially up to 100% loss of investment. The club members invest the project themselves and share in the returns directly or through Venture Club Invest. Not yet a member of the club? Register here.