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Venture Club launches innovative mobile app for its investors

Venture Club has launched a new mobile app for its investors. Available only to club members, the app is a clear bilingual investment platform that allows investors to track the current status of invested projects and invest conveniently and securely right from their mobile phones.

The new Venture Club app aims to provide registered members with an easier and clearer path to each invested project. This will give investors unlimited access to look into investments at any point in time, including tracking news. The mobile app offers not only tracking of the registered member’s portfolio, but also the club’s overall portfolio, always including portfolio performance KPIs and the % achievement of one or more project KPIs. It can be used to find out everything about an investment, invest and then monitor news on individual investments. It allows you to compare the performance plan with the actual status, including the estimated future value of the investment and the expected sale date.

For the complete club portfolio, an overview of invested projects as well as current open opportunities is available, including investment size, percentage invested, duration and estimated investment return. Projects currently available for investment include startup Stavario, cryptocurrency fund and car order factoring company ZEBRA. The app allows you to test investment promises and simulate expected returns before actually investing. Last but not least, the app supports push notifications to receive instant information for new and invested projects. Investors can more easily get the information they need and an overview of their portfolio.

Venture Club’s CEO, Petr Šedivý, says about the new mobile app. After all, each of us uses a mobile phone on a daily basis, often much more than a computer. It was a big investment on the part of the Venture Club, but we believe it will be a really welcome value-added benefit for our existing and future members.”

The app can be downloaded and subsequently used in two languages – Czech and English. “Although our portfolio of investors so far consists almost exclusively of domestic ones, it is a matter of course for us to provide the app in a bilingual version. Not only for the greater clarity and convenience of several of today’s members, but also for our planned future orientation to foreign markets,” adds Šedivý.

To date, the club’s information service has been conducted not only at face-to-face meetings, but also via the website, sms, slack or e-mail communication. Being active on the social media sites LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube and X also supports the club’s other activities. The Venture Club mobile app is now available for download for both Apple iOS in the App Store and Android OS in Google Play. (Note: a pre-condition for logging into the app is a pre-existing account on the club website).

The publication of the app was covered by Euro: Další investiční mobilní apka na světě..