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What June brings, news in Venture Club

There is much worth mentioning. Let’s at least outline it so you don’t miss anything.
On Tuesday 2.6.2020 we saw one of the most interesting presentations in the club – OCEANs goumet bister, a Brno company 48OCEANs. The presentation is newly uploaded in the portal, including the business plan, and we are negotiating to open the investment. We are happy to support healthy eating. The first bistro should be open in September in Brno, the next one in Prague. Photos from the successful event can be found in the gallery.

Two new projects are open – we are testing the interest of members. The first is Flipping, a project where we want to buy, renovate and sell real estate, all through a subsidiary of the club and in Florida. If there is less interest, we can still realize an interesting return through the Czech company GLP Capital, which presented the project to us on May 12. We are targeting a double-digit yield and a 1-2 year investment, secured by the property.

The second open project is another round of financing for the He3da battery project, MES, through the Dutch Qualified Investor Fund – CFDF. After visiting the factory (investors got the newsletter today via Mr. Kučera of Battery Unite, others can find it at the Electricity Storage project), we are confident that everything is progressing well. We are preparing a publication of notes for our investors and any interested parties in the project. To make a long story short: the mass production rollout is well underway and the product has the features we expect from the lab. We have finished the final products: 0.5MW storage for industrial use, storage for single family homes (which can also be ordered this year by existing investors). In September, the production at MES will open on the 17th, where we will see the products, the electric truck ready for Dakar and details of the new electric boat. On the other hand, against the plan and thanks to coronavir we have a 6-9 months delay. Joining with investment goes directly and through the club fund, in both projects.

Next week on 9 June there will be a general meeting of PetExpert investors – but all full members are cordially invited. The actual AGM starts at 5pm, then from 6:30pm we continue with a discussion of regular members on how to proceed with the projects and the club. We are also considering public and fixed interest offerings, maybe we will issue a club bond? Be sure to drop by.

June 12 is the first renewed club breakfast in Yalta. As usual on Friday morning, we will informally discuss in person what needs to be done and didn’t get done another time. And if not at the breakfast, we’ll definitely see you at the concert on Tuesday evening, June 16. The Bennewitz Quartet will be playing. Sign-ups via the club website as usual.

If you are looking for details on investments – check out the projects. They are listed newly at Flipping, CFDF, Electricity Storage and PetExpert. We also have two new articles – VCZS news on new markets and a review of where LaFluence has been written about everywhere.

If you have questions, please ask. We’ll be happy to answer. Happy reading and see you soon.
Peter Gray