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Venture Club Membership Meeting and Project Presentation

As every year, there will be a membership meeting. You can look forward to a report on the club’s activities for the past 4 years and see what new things are in store for us. Admission for club members, after signing in. In Prague on 24.8.2020 ATTENTION: beyond the first part – the official content […]

Day D 42 ZEBRA cars, for the third time

On 21.9. we will take a third look at a project we have known about for the second year – the company ZEBRA GROUP produces very nice cars, designed for municipal services, with dozens of different bodies. The project looks very good. The first time we saw them at HE3DA day in Letňany, the second […]

Concert Bennewitz Quartet Rudolfinum 6.10.2021

Friends, if you are interested in getting a ticket for a nice event – Bennewitz Quartet Concert 6.10., Rudolfinum – details here – please register below by Monday 4.10., noon, no later than. Price is 100 CZK, it’s a directed entry by the musicians for their friends and we have a chance to get them […]

Club Morning 33

We invite you to the 33rd Venture Club Breakfast, which is normally held on the second Friday of the month, excluding holidays, and will be the same as last time: The National Café. As always, we’ll go over what’s new and we’d love to see you. One of the main benefits of our club is […]

D-Day 43 BP, ZEBRA, LF,…recap of projects

Finally, we dedicate D-Day 43 to the recapitulation of the projects. We postpone the planned second round of bezpersoná and the investment for the time being. In the meantime, we have not only familiarized ourselves with the economics of the project, but also looked with a lawyer at the aspects of entry, change of statutes…and […]

Vladimír Dzurilla – digitalization of the state

The Venture Club continues its series of meetings with interesting guests – this time the invitation was accepted by Mr. Vladimir Dzurilla, Director of NAKIT (National Agency for Communication and Information Technology, a state enterprise) and Government Commissioner for IT and Digitalization. The topic of digitalization of the state is an interesting one and since […]

New directions in modern living

The way real estate is currently built is changing every day. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE EVENT: On behalf of the Venture Club we would like to We would like to invite you to the discussion “Modern living from idea to realization”, where we will present trends from the world of architecture, design and technology. The talk […]

Club Morning 34

We invite you to the 34th Venture Club Breakfast, which is normally held on the second Friday of the month, outside of the holiday season, and will – if possible – again be in person. The location will be the traditional one – the National Café. We’ll go over what’s new and we’d love to […]

Beaujolais nouveau

Due to the emergency until 20.11. the event in the Cafe and the personal meeting on 19.11. will unfortunately not take place. As a thank you, the Venture Club will send a bottle of beaujolais to the regular members on 11/19. We have to taste it ourselves at home this year .) If you want […]

Renting out a purchased property in the USA

Recording of the evening (Yutube channel of the club, 1.5 h): buying investment residential real estate in the USA 30.11.2021 We’ve put together an educational evening for those interested in investing, this time on operating a purchased property for rental housing in the US. The property projected works as a dividend investment, with a very […]